On behalf of our partners and all employees of MGS LAW Firm we extend our heartfelt condolences to the Family and Friends of Mayor Paweł Adamowicz. We sympathise with all citizens of Gdańsk. Please remember that the Mayor, as most of us in our Firm, was an attorney-at-law.
Apart from that, he was also a man of many achievements – a well-known oppositionist, local government activist, a citizen of Europe. Above all, however, he was the co-founder of the Gdańsk we are all proud of.
Keeping in our hearts his last words, we stand all as one with all those who have grieved through this great tragedy.
“Gdańsk is generous, Gdańsk shares good, Gdańsk wants to be the city of solidarity. I truly thank you for that because today in the streets and squares of Gdańsk you shared your money, you were volunteers. This is a wonderful time of sharing good with one another. You are so dear. Gdańsk is the most wonderful city in the world.”
“Nec temere, nec timide” (Neither rashly nor timidly).