Michał Sznycer as moderator at the PCHET 2020 Hydrogen Conference

We have an honour to inform that Michał Sznycer, MGS LAW Firm partner, will be moderating the Discussion Panel – legal session of the Polish Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Technology #PCHET2020. The panel interlocutors will be: Alexandru Floristean from Hydrogen Europe, Ewa Mazur from the Ministry of Climate and Jakub Kupecki from the Institute […]

The draft of amendments to the Act on renewable energy sources

The draft of amendments to the  Act on renewable energy sources and some other acts  has been published on the website of Government Legislation Centre.  The draft amendment prepared by the Ministry of Climate is currently at the stage of public consultations. The most important amendments include: Limiting the license obligations for those entrepreneurs who […]

MGS LAW supports carsharing innogy go! by GDPR-related counselling

innogy-go MGS LAW

As of the beginning of April innogy Polska S.A.  has officially launched the carsharing project named innogy go! We are very happy and satisfied to inform that MGS LAW Legal Counsels: Michał Sznycer, Partner, and Anna Eliszewska, Junior Partner, had the pleasure to support the development of the innogy go! mobile application  by providing legal counselling on personal […]

Amendment to the RES Act

On 1 July  2018,  the day after being published, another amendment to the Renewable Energy Sources Act came into force. Its purpose is, this time, to unblock investments into renewable energy sources by way of improving and resuming auctioning. However, the elemental purpose of the new regulation is to improve the auctioning rules which will […]