We are happy to announce that attorneys-at-law of MGS LAW Firm – Michał Sznycer, partner and Anna Eliszewska, junior partner, had the pleasure to co-create the Report of the Association of Energy Trading „Electricity and Gas Market in Poland – as at 31 March 2020”.
Attorney-at-law Michał Sznycer was responsible for analysing the impact of the SARS-COV2 coronavirus epidemic on the energy sector in Poland. Attorney-at-law Anna Eliszewska prepared a summary of activities related to personal data protection in the course of works on the introduction of smart metering and the appointment of the Energy Market Information Operator. She also co-created material on the so-called the Electricity Act which regulates electricity prices for end-users applied by sellers in 2019.
The Report has been published annually since 2009 and describes the key events that influenced the electricity and gas market in Poland in the previous year. The substantive scope of the Report covers areas characteristic for the activities of #TOE (Association of Energy Trading) and its members.
The full text of the Report is available at: http://toe.pl/pl/wybrane-dokumenty/rok-2020?download=1545:rynek-energii-elektrycznej-i-gazu-w-polsce-stan-na-31-marca-2020-raport-toe